In June 2024 we co-hosted a meeting at the Wellcome Hub to explore ways to support and collaborate with some incredible Amazonian organisations before COP30. Instituto Mapinguari, Organizacao Mandi, and Laboratorio da Cidade are some of the most prominent organisations in Amazonia and are working tirelessly to include more voices of the region in the agenda for COP30 in Belem in 2025. They aim to highlight the real issues faced by minorities in the region: from indigenous groups to traditional communities (such as Black and riverside communities)as well as the urban populations affected by social inequalities. This meeting is organised by Kayeb (Vanessa Gabriel Robinson) and hosted by Land Body Ecologies at The Hub, Wellcome Collection with Invisible Flock and Francesca L Cavallo (Brazil Footprint). Please see more details below.
Brazil Footprint 00 3rd Edition April - July 2023
Various Venues in Manchester, London and Canterbury
Brazil Footprint 00 returned in 2023 with new collaborations with extraordinary artists, filmmakers and researchers from Brazil. The programme started in April with a workshop at the University of Manchester with Daiara Tukano and Marilene Ribeiro, continued with the Amazonian Film Festival curated by Vanessa Gabriel Robinson at the Gulbenkian Art Centre in Canterbury on June 24 and culminated with a new collaboration with Wapichana Artist Gustavo Caboco, The Santo Domingo Centre of Excellence for Latin American Research at the British Museum and Holmleigh Primary School.
Brazil Footprint 00 2nd Edition 6 July 2022 Manchester
Amazônia Late Science and Industry Museum
For the second edition of our festival, we joined forces with the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester for a curated programme to coincide with Sebastião Salgado's exhibition. The programme has invited artists and guests born in Amazonia to occupy spaces at the museum with video projections and show-and-tell displays, addressing the effects of colonialism, industrialisation and extractivism in the region by celebrating the power of its art, craft and spirituality as means of resistance.
Image Credit: Gina Cooke and SIM
Brazil Footprint 00 1st Edition 12— 19 July 2021, Online
A week-long online festival that explores Brazil's perspective on the global mobilisation against climate inequalities, in the context of the UN’s upcoming COP26 conference. Responding to the Barbican exhibition Claudia Andujar: The Yanomami Struggle, the programme brings together artists, curators and academics to discuss how art addresses questions that go beyond technocratic approaches to climate change: symbiosis, interdependence and the resilience of Indigenous knowledge.
Image Credit: Mülambo, Mareé, Acrilic on Canvas, 2020
about us
Brazil Footprint is a Research and Engagement network and public programme for the support of ecologically minded, decolonial and intersectional discourses and art practices across Brazil and the UK. It was founded in 2021 by Dr Francesca Laura Cavallo as a part of 'Acting before the Emergency', a research project at the University of Kent supported by Research UK through the Global Challenges Research Framework.
In 2021 we partnered with the Barbican Centre for an online programme of films and conversations with Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian Artists to coincide with Claudia Andujar's exhibition. Focusing on the Amazon region in 2022, we curated a public programme with artists from the region at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester as part of their Amazônia late event for Salgado's exhibition. With returned in 2023 across multiple sites in Manchester, London and Canterbury. The programme started in April with a workshop at the University of Manchester with Daiara Tukano and Marilene Ribeiro, continued with the Amazonian Film Festival curated by Vanessa Gabriel Robinson at the Gulbenkian Art Centre in Canterbury and culminated with a short residency with Wapichana Artist Gustavo Caboco in collaboration with The Santo Domingo Centre of Excellence for Latin American Research at the British Museum and Holmleigh Primary School.
We have now paused our programming activities for the festival but continue to exist as a platform to facilitate connections, plant seeds and build bridges for collaboration and climate justice.
We are grateful to our supporters and collaborators.
Founder Dr Francesca Laura Cavallo. Cultural strategy advisor: Vanessa Gabriel Robinson. Show and tell coordination: Ana Didonet. Partners 2023: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Art and Language and CLACS Centre for Latin American Studies, the University of Manchester, Centre for Indigenous and Settler Colonial Studies at the University of Kent, Holmleigh Primary School.
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